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The Jojoba Company Natural Pigmentation Oil

Being someone that has a lot of pigmentation thanks to self-induced sun exposure when I was younger (Oh, what I would tell my younger self!) The Jojoba Company Pigmentation Oil was quickly placed in my basket when I was shopping a skincare sale in Priceline.

Taken from The Jojoba Company- "Our all natural formula gently targets uneven skin tone, pigmentation and age spots. Skin is noticeably more even, with tests showing a 25% reduction of age spots in 6 weeks. Deeply moisturising it contains no harsh chemicals.."

The oil is packaged in a striking metallic orange bottle, it is gorgeous to look at. It comes complete with a dropper dispenser which is popular with facial oil.

The oil is a golden colour and has a typical oily consistency. It has a pleasant, natural scent.

I use the pigmentation oil morning and night. As expected it does take time to absorb. I actually only use 4 drops for face and neck in the morning, but because I have more time to wait between product applications, I use 8 drops at night.

I considered using the oil as the last step in my beauty routine, but it's not so heavy that I can't apply a moisturiser after, which I do.

I have been using the oil now for around 6 weeks. Has there been an improvement in my pigmentation? Possibly, but not dramatically. Although reducing pigmentation is an aim of mine, I really do love how hydrating this oil is without seeming to sit on top of my skin like some facial oils can do.

Do I need this oil? Not really, but I am enjoying it. I feel like I'm quenching my drier skin, I also appreciate the natural ingredients. And that bottle is so damn gorgeous! :)

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